Prayer Line Number

Since our beginning the prayer line has touched lives and is now affectionately called by most "The Life Line". Our Prayer Line is open Monday through Friday 5AM to 6AM, Friday Night @ 11PM. Join us to hear a dynamic word from God!

Prayer Line

712-432-0075 access code 928445# (effective Thursday, December 2, 2010)

When the connection is made, please press *6 to mute your phone

Prophetic Prayer Tower

A New and Exciting Prophetic Ministry
Prophetic Prayer Tower
Sheraton Gateway Hotel
1900 Sullivan Road
College Park, GA 30337

For more information, call 1-888-940-5296 and the following extensions:
0 – AJBW Ministries
102 – Bookstore Tape Ministry
103 – Prayer Request
105 – Speaking Engagements
106 – Executive Office of Administration
107 – Apostle Prophetess Dr. J. Brittany Woods
108 – Public Relations

Prayer Watchers

Calling all Anointed Intercessors

Prayer Watchers get ready as we move to our season of Intercessory Prayer! As the seasons continue to present increased crime and wickedness in the land, it is now time for the women of God to embrace their mandate of prayer, travail and intercession. As a prayer watcher, you will learn how to effectively communicate with God. A Prayer watcher is someone anointed by God to keep watch and pray until an answer is received from God.

If you are interested in becoming a prayer watcher/intercessor, please fill out the contact form and state your interest.

How do you know if you have the gift of Intercession?

What is Intercessory Prayer? It is praying for someone else; an intercessor is a person who takes the place of another, or pleads another's case.

One study Bible defines Intercession as: Holy, Persevering, Believing, and Prayer whereby someone pleads with God on behalf of someone who needs God's intervention.

Biblical foundation for New Testament believers is our calling as Priests unto God. The word declares we are a Holy Priesthood (1 Peter 2:5); Royal Priest (1 Peter 2:9) and Kings and Priest (Rev. 1:6).

Our Model Intercessor

Jesus Christ is our model for intercessory prayer; Jesus Christ stands before God, he stands between God and sinful man, just as the Old Testament priest. For there is (1) God and (1) mediator "intercessor" between God and man. That man is Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2:5). It is Christ who died and furthermore also risen, and is even at the right hand of God, who makes intercession for us. He is also able to save to the utter most those who come to God thru Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

Jesus was an intercessor while He was in the earth, praying for those sick and oppressed by demons. He prayed for the disciples, He prayed for you and me when He interceded for all who would believe on Him. Jesus Christ continued His ministry of intercession after His death and resurrection when He returned to Heaven. He now serves as our intercessor in Heaven. Halleluiah!!

As we follow the Old Testament Priestly functions and New Testament patterns of Jesus, we must first stand before God in order to effectively stand between God and man.

Numbers 14 is one of the greatest accounts of intercessor prayer recorded in the Bible. This passage shows how Moses was able to stand between God and sinful man because he stood before Him and developed intimate communication. God spoke to Moses, friend to friend. He did not communicate with Moses through visions and dreams as with other prophets! How Great Is That!

As long as we all long to connect with someone who can identify with our circumstances and share our daily life, prayer enables us to do just that! It is a personal experience with our loving Heavenly Father!

Join us as we prepare our Prayer schedule for all prayer watchers.

As a Wailing Woman Prayer watcher, we ask for a monthly prayer seed of $20.00 per month to the ministry to assist in advancing the Kingdom of God.

Wailing Women, examine yourself… Is God calling you to Intercession?